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  • Faction:Unaffiliated


    To provide some aid and incentive for aspiring staminadventurers, the three factions have collectively decided to issue basic equipment to anyone who reaches experience level 2.


    • Reach Life Level 2


    • 14 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki Piols eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm pumpuli Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri Jafar TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever ViperDev Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN mkwiiallpro Aldarole DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Zeo Adamskull Chance R. dnac10 Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Lumen Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture typobox Valex TopherK Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis arb teri sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology ArrowsmithBA3 Jester Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums BrotherMojo Robbumon Smanki Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG TrnY Dmtechno hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Rufus Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 blanketninja tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler beeabay freddy15204 Gyzarus LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Dimples Franksoua holepigeon dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tenshi Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever barrysir Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware DF.LemmingOnTheRun Mau frank_gaming asellus FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo PenguinRedeemer BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama Boingloing daddy zexyu babyzionov BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 jenx Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas natano Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY sigonasr2 Zepherino Nina slime Accioskullar Jake B Raijin29a6 eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin Slowest maboesanman ibuprofen Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha L3andr0ITG STARLONG milosita kenji- Hunter Ricky itg_Kage MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi TaikiHarada Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Zealous Snow Latte JaceITG CEXX Koopah Peabody! takatzu48 Aura ManBearPeon brooksy DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka Locoyokopoco domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger Dr Moobly sumikk0 LordOmega AngelR4vE Rust ITG solrbear Koso PUYO jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode devilzukin vintogigue AleAle48 Stern Many Rescores TakuMii jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru WAY2022 bobayubi ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh Darkstar p0x bles48 inglomi BHappy BigC fastboy REI_Z3R0 beqa Cephiro Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico ZZUnlimited EX Pad Miss NDimensional kursain Idontevenknowyou! emiess48 Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 Dave (Canberra) SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 chungus Higgy RsebaS malkier KIO. verniy_ L!AM angelXboy xxzeniusxx JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur HP-Basarab TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK blazincalf Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss PBase Frondal Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger expcake Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Eddie_J Sal! SierraTheBlueJay Ravelan centripital Uiichi SecretCMA dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi EDJI DC.MAX-TCOL Yunch Nardu SleepyDragon Jagc Mekki Tailsray Pegram yyr angi Drayux Soul jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez MSZ-006R BONG No Key Scores Sky Command ICTtoken Shiori857 raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak Traxos EnalaprilEgon rootkitty Miu CrashCringle12 Biggs UK.s34n 9U3RR1LL4 UVCat DogsPlan KevinDGAF Pony Dinamycorp chobo Zivie87 Dade Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Ran bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 vehnae Norys xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion F10W Jarem24 DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass Zobros oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE LAZYBONESSS zxevik tomnobar TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Frank89 Spacestone29 Vacci Jaridian yyao Kit PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 RisuRisu Snoman robertequisde IrisQuasar kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca calzone kirisame Dispolca ouran Blake4Life Fursty1896 Sopra MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. WarpRattler Blondazz CpawsMusic OmnipotentEntity Kapdin jnoobie312 Evertree Reks66 ChubbyThePhat CHI_XU xdank Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Cxxxx Lugea PenguinMessiah2K23 defekTiVE CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC caruku Xidi STsung Kanji666 cobalt1164 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 yumenegi peaceduke Hast... GaboMan joowon qazd gintax Dragonfru buLy C4L3BT ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh Cheezus Siege9 Rai Kero


    In furtherance of the support being offered to staminadventurers, a special relic will be presented to those who are able to achieve experience level 50.


    • Reach Life Level 50


    • ?????? Title
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev eigo wakaranai Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip UMECCY turn up Xynn StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis DdRDan SoupP AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon obesity102 erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. B3NS3X arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 Beremy Doublegambler _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG Bran FabSab44 _CONTROL Tristan97 Geff Smalls ddrulox JJK Kigha plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 luna2108 !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu Nato in riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 Jake B eltigrechino Un pelao con un botso kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse CrackedCaptain JaceITG CEXX takatzu48 DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird Rust ITG implode Many Rescores neyoru Idontevenknowyou! Higgy KIO. verniy_ Borisaur Paul_P yog sothoth gatodeplastico Yeyeito Chocol@inMatt Keekee Sal! alpastor Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy yutsi VivaLaMoo Kevin Durant ICTtoken baraka winterfr3sh UK.s34n UVCat Fieoner LOLWUT maybe Adol remonia Snoman Dispolca Intermezzo noCrack


    Upon reaching level 75, staminadventurers are to receive a powerful relic that will help draw out the hidden power of any shields in their possession.


    • Reach Life Level 75


    • 550 BB
    • ?????? Title


    Only elite staminadventurers reach the coveted experience level 99, and those that do so are gifted a remarkable relic.


    • Reach Life Level 99


    • 982 BB
    • 1125 Gold
    • ?????? Title




    • ??????


    • 88 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr silentblackcat Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Senture Valex Zui lolipo Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG t3a nvanleerdrums Suolainen xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 ITGRyan erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 Mike458 Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff Metgame JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 luna2108 dashark DaKree BigYama daddy zexyu Nato riler IcyCold nebbii Peli mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY Zepherino eltigrechino Axor limitin maboesanman Choden Un pelao con un botso Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse Vexi malbolgian JaceITG CEXX DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 LordOmega solrbear buntata neyoru ahchurro111 Cephiro Korzei Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 Higgy verniy_ Borisaur TUT0 Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico CLK Anisakis Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi Mekki Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy Kevin Durant xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken Summi winterfr3sh EricPR46 Loak UVCat DogsPlan Zivie87 Ran DJNidra TheMusserO CMAPump MionIsTaken Adol Spacestone29 yyao MaruDeHabanero RisuRisu kidcrab Dispolca ouran glitchbear Blondazz OmnipotentEntity jnoobie312 Evertree RukaP yumenegi qazd ADAMV3




    • ??????


    • 89 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob ZarinahBBM eigo wakaranai Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Kerpa Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond Snil4 aryla CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 Mike458 Doublegambler Dsongi Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 luna2108 dashark BigYama daddy zexyu Nato nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Shi0-X Rabar0209 yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 TTONY Zepherino eltigrechino Axor limitin maboesanman Choden Un pelao con un botso Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse malbolgian JaceITG CEXX DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 buntata neyoru Korzei Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 verniy_ Borisaur Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico Anisakis Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! som1sezhi Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy Kevin Durant xMez ICTtoken Summi EricPR46 DJNidra TheMusserO CMAPump Adol Spacestone29 MaruDeHabanero Dispolca ouran Evertree qazd


    ChasePines was in a catastrophic wagon accident and currently can't walk. He needs someone's help him chase down some trees, which generally, uh, are pretty stationary, but I guess when your legs are broken that doesn't make it any easier hunt them down.


    • ??????


    • 82 EXP
    • 16 BB
    • 14 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ITGRyan erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo VincentITG LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 Beremy Doublegambler Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself barrysir Geff needboba Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 Woonoo luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu Nato in riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 AzleKayn Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 sigonasr2 Zepherino eltigrechino Axor limitin maboesanman Choden kenji- Coppa Hasse CrackedCaptain malbolgian JaceITG CEXX Aura DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 wsupden jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru DoomLord76 ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 chungus Higgy verniy_ Toraie TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico Desklamp Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS winterfr3sh UVCat KevinDGAF kcamper92 Fanion DJNidra LOLWUT Samuelio CMAPump maybe Adol Maru96 Snoman Dispolca IUYK. Evertree NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Kanji666


    You will be mine
    Like a real dream with you, babe


    • ??????


    • 85 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Rarily UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Senture Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever barrysir Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware Mau FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo PenguinRedeemer luna2108 SanHelbert songokhoo !ElCaMiX! dashark BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 sigonasr2 Nina Accioskullar eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain MaxPainNL malbolgian JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura brooksy DerpyPengu Another48 Renbrandt Bird Locoyokopoco sumikk0 LordOmega solrbear wsupden implode vintogigue Stern buntata neyoru ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh inglomi Cephiro DoomLord76 Wenn ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 SAN REMO Yuiko911 chungus Higgy HeavyModeYT Stefe TUT0 Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay blazincalf TommyDoesntMiss PBase Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan alpastor som1sezhi Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi XeaLouS Ugge winterfr3sh slybat piguy314159 Loak UK.s34n UVCat Fieoner bostic300 kcamper92 vehnae MohaHtn Fanion DJNidra oza180 LOLWUT CMAPump maybe Adol Vacci PomegranateITG SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Snoman Dispolca ouran IUYK. Evertree Yam NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea captaintobs Maxximus Kriss RukaP ADAMV3


    zkldi is concerned about excessive emissions coming from car monsters. He's got a special reward for you as well as some hunting tips if you can help him reduce the impact of this issue.


    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 86 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr richtr8 callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG artimst byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ITGRyan erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V watermoon Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Metgame Smalls JJK scientificRex Kigha plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware MCXR1987 PenguinRedeemer luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii mang robin_ takumiAE86 AzleKayn hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra trueblue410 sigonasr2 Nina eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Un pelao con un botso kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse malbolgian JaceITG CEXX takatzu48 Aura DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 wsupden vintogigue buntata neyoru DoomLord76 Wenn ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 Higgy HeavyModeYT TUT0 Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay Yeyeito Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi jjew Just A Space Cowboy SSmantis xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken baraka XeaLouS kcamper92 DJNidra CMAPump maybe Adol Vacci SENPAII Dispolca IUYK. Evertree Kriss




    • ??????


    • 834 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza Jerros Zarzob tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip UMECCY Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique hollow Zui DGY.yuuki Yani aye dlim Behy Fanatik25 sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi Alternate Enjoyer erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG Bran _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Geff Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex plasmaaa wolfxalienware MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! daddy zexyu in IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 eltigrechino Axor Un pelao con un botso Coppa JaceITG brooksy DerpyPengu Bird Dean buntata neyoru Higgy TUT0 Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Sal! Ravelan alpastor jjew Just A Space Cowboy yutsi xMez ICTtoken raimu9281 Summi XeaLouS winterfr3sh DogsPlan maybe Adol Dispolca IUYK. ChubbyThePhat Intermezzo


    Seer Pluto is looking for some brave staminadventurers to help thin the herds of Hard Bass monsters in the Slav Coast. You will, of course, be compensated for your assistance.


    • ??????


    • 89 EXP
    • 16 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip HannahPadd Rarily UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow typobox Valex TopherK Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore Alhe reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo VincentITG hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware FideLin MCXR1987 PenguinRedeemer luna2108 SanHelbert songokhoo Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Berserker DaKree BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas natano Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 sigonasr2 Zepherino Nina Accioskullar eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Choden Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- Hunter Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura brooksy DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Another48 Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger sumikk0 solrbear wsupden implode vintogigue TakuMii Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 dnsh bles48 fastboy Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico EX Pad Miss Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 chungus Higgy KIO. verniy_ L!AM HeavyModeYT Toraie Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay Desklamp TommyDoesntMiss Anisakis Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan centripital alpastor som1sezhi yyr jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS winterfr3sh slybat piguy314159 Loak rootkitty Biggs UVCat KevinDGAF Pony bostic300 kcamper92 vehnae MohaHtn Fanion DJNidra LOLWUT 5.TWELVE TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump maybe MionIsTaken Adol Spacestone29 Vacci SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Snoman robertequisde ARYZZ nerdnim Dispolca ouran Fursty1896 whmgz IUYK. Blondazz OmnipotentEntity Evertree Maxximus Kanji666 Kriss qazd


    A bounty has been issued for any "The Joy of Streaming" monster. Maybe those are monsters that make you feel happy after you kill them or something?


    • ??????


    • 789 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK djlunatix Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Max Forever Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique hollow Senture Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore Alhe reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Amoo hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler LunaMail _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Geff needboba Metgame JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 Woonoo luna2108 SanHelbert songokhoo Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango BigYama daddy zexyu Nato in riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 Nina Jake B eltigrechino Axor Slowest maboesanman JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Beta malbolgian Kommisar JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura brooksy DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) Another48 Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka DanielsanX4A sumikk0 Rust ITG solrbear wsupden vintogigue jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 dnsh BigC Korzei 1Aryan kayzero Wenn Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 SAN REMO chungus Higgy verniy_ L!AM HeavyModeYT Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico TommyDoesntMiss oknap Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan Uiichi dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS winterfr3sh Wafles rootkitty UK.s34n UVCat KevinDGAF Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner kcamper92 xWiiLLz MohaHtn DJNidra a delicious bass LOLWUT Samuelio CMAPump maybe Adol remonia Vacci SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 Snoman nerdnim Dispolca ouran MadeenZeal IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Evertree Yam NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus Kanji666 Kriss RukaP joowon




    • ??????


    • 821 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Recently, @@'s Last Will and Testament was discovered, and he left an open request to any and all capable staminadventurers: kill a monster who's got some MONEY, and you're to be rewarded with some information on where to find some of the heinous creatures he created.


    • ??????


    • 89 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Rarily UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Amoo VincentITG B3NS3X Sapphron Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tenshi Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Geff Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware Mau FideLin MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert songokhoo !ElCaMiX! dashark BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 Nina eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 brooksy DerpyPengu extreme48 Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 LordOmega Rust ITG wsupden vintogigue Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 dnsh bles48 Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 Wenn ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 chungus Higgy verniy_ Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico TommyDoesntMiss oknap Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan centripital alpastor som1sezhi jjew Just A Space Cowboy SSmantis xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken Shiori857 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS winterfr3sh @@ Loak UK.s34n UVCat KevinDGAF bostic300 kcamper92 DJNidra LOLWUT 5.TWELVE tomnobar Samuelio CMAPump maybe Adol Vacci Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Dispolca MadeenZeal IUYK. Kapdin Evertree CocoaFox Maxximus noCrack joowon




    • ??????


    • 81 EXP
    • 14 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane slowunsteady nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Rarily Inactive Account Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON wrsw feedbacker xapa NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex TopherK Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo B3NS3X Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 tommoda Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG Bran _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff JayNeko Smalls JJK scientificRex plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 luna2108 !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango daddy zexyu Tetaes riler IcyCold nebbii robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Shi0-X diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY Nina Accioskullar eltigrechino Axor W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Un pelao con un botso Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse malbolgian CEXX Aura brooksy DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka sumikk0 LordOmega solrbear wsupden AleAle48 buntata neyoru ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence Yakid20 SAN REMO verniy_ TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico CLK Anisakis Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi yyr jjew Just A Space Cowboy Kevin Durant xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka UVCat vehnae MohaHtn Fanion TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump Adol yyao MaruDeHabanero Maru96 ouran OmnipotentEntity Evertree qazd ADAMV3


    Raijin is trying to collect some idols to hang out with him at his Relaxing Resort. To start out, he wants you to find a clumsy one that keeps tripping everywhere.


    • ??????


    • 90 EXP
    • 16 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum Kyy CJPetey nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza djlunatix Jerros Zarzob tev arki eigo wakaranai Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala LOG Nebel flip Max Forever UMECCY Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique hollow Zui lolipo aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Alhe reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst itgaz t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi QTurtle ITGRyan Kuboxxxxx erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara Faker13 MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler Dsongi Franksoua Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Geff needboba Metgame JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert songokhoo Sonja !ElCaMiX! daddy zexyu in riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 sigonasr2 eltigrechino Axor limitin maboesanman Coppa Hasse malbolgian Snow Latte JaceITG CEXX Aura DerpyPengu extreme48 Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 LordOmega vintogigue Dean buntata neyoru dnsh Wenn NDimensional Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 Yuiko911 Toraie Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Mekki Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken Summi XeaLouS Loak KevinDGAF DJNidra TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump maybe Adol Dispolca glitchbear IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Evertree captaintobs


    Estuans interius
    Ira vehementi


    • ??????


    • 84 EXP
    • 17 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm pumpuli Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Rarily UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN mkwiiallpro DRON feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Zeo Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy gomusou callmisoko Lumen Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Senture Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Smanki Suolainen xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Doublegambler Gyzarus LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself barrysir Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 PenguinRedeemer BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama daddy zexyu Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY Zepherino Nina slime Accioskullar Jake B eltigrechino Axor W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Choden Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha kenji- Hunter Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Zealous Snow Latte JaceITG CEXX Koopah Peabody! takatzu48 Aura brooksy DerpyPengu extreme48 max101 Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka DanielsanX4A sumikk0 LordOmega Rust ITG solrbear jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode vintogigue AleAle48 Dean buntata neyoru WAY2022 ahchurro111 dnsh bles48 inglomi BigC Cephiro kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico EX Pad Miss Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 Dave (Canberra) SAN REMO Cadrin Higgy verniy_ L!AM angelXboy HeavyModeYT Toraie Borisaur TUT0 Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico CLK PBase Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Eddie_J Sal! centripital SecretCMA alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Jagc Mekki Tailsray Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo Kevin Durant xMez MSZ-006R BONG No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS winterfr3sh slybat piguy314159 Traxos CrashCringle12 UK.s34n 9U3RR1LL4 UVCat KevinDGAF chobo Fieoner Ran kcamper92 MohaHtn F10W Jarem24 DJNidra MY BRAND LOLWUT 5.TWELVE tomnobar TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe Adol P*SERUM Spacestone29 Jaridian yyao Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Snoman kidcrab kirisame Dispolca Fursty1896 MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. Blondazz OmnipotentEntity jnoobie312 Evertree ChubbyThePhat CHI_XU xdank NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC STsung Kanji666 RukaP qazd C4L3BT ADAMV3


    Some monsters have been going around spreading sickness in a little frontier town in Canada Coast Stamina. Maybe if you manage to kill one of the infected monsters, you can help reduce transmission? No? That's not how epidemiology works? Well, do it anyway.


    • ??????


    • 819 EXP
    • 184 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev arki eigo wakaranai Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Inactive Account UMECCY turn up Xynn StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Senture Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg DdRDan SoupP AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo VincentITG LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 Doublegambler _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Geff Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau FideLin MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu in riler IcyCold nebbii mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 eltigrechino iGoCollege JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse CrackedCaptain JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka LordOmega jerryjurr buntata neyoru dnsh bles48 BigC ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 Higgy verniy_ Borisaur Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico Desklamp TommyDoesntMiss Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee Sal! alpastor jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn VivaLaMoo xMez ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka nabulator Ugge winterfr3sh Loak UK.s34n KevinDGAF Fieoner LOLWUT 5.TWELVE maybe Adol Snoman Dispolca MadeenZeal IUYK. Evertree ChubbyThePhat NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea Maxximus Kanji666 joowon


    Kyy has some juicy info on where to find a rare slow hi-tech/psytrance/whatever jawn, but won't cough up the details unless you can track down a (not quite psy) trance monster first.


    • ??????


    • 840 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Having recently gotten run over by a wagon, ChasePines is in no condition to walk-- but he is expected to lead a prayer service on Sunday to worship the God of Streaming. If you can help him attend, there might be some more work for you down the line.


    • ??????


    • 87 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal nihongo wakaranai DanPeriod Urza LFK djlunatix Jerros Perusal ZarinahBBM eigo wakaranai Ambisinister PkGam help DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx Chabala Nebel flip HannahPadd Inactive Account turn up Xynn hugh_jass DRON Freis feedbacker NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy aminuteawayx Azirixx hk PerfectTaste Vagabond Paige Lumi Lotarr Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion titandude21 antipathetique hollow Zui aye trescal dlim DarkFyzx Fanatik25 sore DdRDan Nao Hikari Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG t3a nvanleerdrums Smanki xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman xancara Faker13 blanketninja Mike458 Doublegambler LunaMail _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V watermoon Lovesick Loop LEO2DX Bran Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Smalls JJK plasmaaa dashark daddy zexyu Nato Tetaes riler IcyCold mang robin_ Catz Venny121 SebaZzZz_TCOL yoonjelly Badjas Fierra Zepherino eltigrechino limitin Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa MaxPainNL malbolgian JaceITG Aura Bird XBOX LIVE Dean buntata fastboy beqa kursain Idontevenknowyou! emiess48 Elixir of Silence SAN REMO Cadrin verniy_ Paul_P Akroma TommyDoesntMiss Eddie_J som1sezhi Mekki Pegram Soul SSmantis No Key Scores ICTtoken winterfr3sh DJNidra Adol Jaridian yyao Glitchy RisuRisu nerdnim ouran jnoobie312 defekTiVE captaintobs Xidi RukaP qazd ADAMV3


    teejusb was building a robot and doing all sorts of cool computer science shit that is totally setting appropriate, but then the stupid thing got up and ran away while he was sleeping. Could you help him track it down?


    • ??????


    • 91 EXP
    • 17 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Inactive Account UMECCY turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON LuckJury feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki aye trescal dlim Fanatik25 Electromuis sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Amoo TrnY Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 MoistBruh Mike458 Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG AXB Bran killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Geff needboba Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 RAN.S Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 sigonasr2 Nina eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman Un pelao con un botso kenji- Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse malbolgian Kommisar JaceITG CEXX takatzu48 DerpyPengu Bird wsupden vintogigue Dean buntata neyoru dnsh Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 Wenn Elixir of Silence Yakid20 Higgy verniy_ Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico Yeyeito Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ Keekee cloverwolf Sal! alpastor som1sezhi Just A Space Cowboy SSmantis No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS UK.s34n KevinDGAF kcamper92 DJNidra CMAPump maybe Adol MaruDeHabanero Dispolca Evertree CocoaFox ADAMV3


    Tuuc's lunch money got stolen by some monster in Viking Coast Stamina that apparently can only be described as "funky". It'd be helpful if you tracked this weird creature down and retrieved the stolen cash!


    • ??????


    • 82 EXP
    • 14 BB
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Kyy CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos Jafar TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker NinjaNabi Zeo Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 sore dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG Dmtechno hi_im_los B3NS3X Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 tommoda Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler Gyzarus Dsongi Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware MCXR1987 BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert Sonja dashark Mango Berserker StarBfly BigYama daddy zexyu babyzionov Nato in riler IcyCold nebbii Peli mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn Venny121 Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 TTONY Zepherino Nina Accioskullar eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse Vexi Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Snow Latte JaceITG CEXX Koopah Peabody! Aura brooksy DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird DanielsanX4A sumikk0 LordOmega solrbear XBOX LIVE wsupden vintogigue AleAle48 Dean buntata neyoru bobayubi ahchurro111 dnsh bles48 kayzero Wenn EX Pad Miss NDimensional Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 L!AM JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Toraie Borisaur HP-Basarab TUT0 Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth gatodeplastico Desklamp PBase Anisakis Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! centripital SecretCMA alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Jagc Mekki Tailsray jjew Just A Space Cowboy SSmantis VivaLaMoo xMez BONG No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi XeaLouS winterfr3sh EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak Traxos rootkitty KevinDGAF Pony Dinamycorp Ran kcamper92 vehnae F10W DJNidra tomnobar TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe Adol Jaridian yyao Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero kidcrab Dispolca Fursty1896 whmgz glitchbear IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Evertree NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea KlineFGC peaceduke qazd ADAMV3


    Yootsi Wantsi Tosi Findsi Someonesi Tosi Fightsi Somesi Favoritesi Monstersi Ofsi Hisi. Hesi Willsi Showsi Yousi Wheresi Tosi Findsi Somesi Othersi Onesi Ifsi Yousi Dosi.


    • ??????


    • 836 EXP
    • 180 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM eigo wakaranai Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala LOG Nebel flip Inactive Account UMECCY turn up Xynn StefXFN DRON Freis feedbacker jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond aryla CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Zui lolipo Yani aye NBCrescendo Doughbun dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis reset_itg DdRDan SoupP AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi ddrneel erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy JOKR Amoo LEISHEN. B3NS3X arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara Faker13 Mike458 Beremy Doublegambler Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 _CONTROL Tristan97 Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Cannonball plasmaaa wolfxalienware MCXR1987 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu Nato riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii mang robin_ FrisoCloud Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 Jake B eltigrechino Choden JonnyStepps kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse CrackedCaptain Kommisar JaceITG CEXX takatzu48 DerpyPengu Another48 Renbrandt Bird wsupden Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh bles48 BigC DoomLord76 ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 chungus Higgy verniy_ Stefe Borisaur Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth INVOKER LAPIS gatodeplastico Yeyeito MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee Sal! alpastor jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn yutsi VivaLaMoo xMez ICTtoken baraka nabulator winterfr3sh UVCat Fieoner LOLWUT maybe Adol Spacestone29 SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Snoman Dispolca whmgz IUYK. Evertree ChubbyThePhat Intermezzo noCrack Kanji666




    • ??????


    • 82 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????




    • ??????
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    • ??????
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    • ??????


    • 4259 EXP
    • 534 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Hey zaniel,

    yo, heard the news and just had to drop you a line, my man. gotta send you some love and condolences for not snaggin The Point again this year. that's a real bummer, bro. I know you been hustlin hard and puttin in that work. it's a tough pill to swallow, but don't let it bring you down, fam. keep grindin, keep pushin. sometimes it's all bout luck, timing, and whatnot. you gon get there eventually, I got faith in you. stay strong, homie, and keep rockin it.

    Stay blessed,


    • Pass anything rated 16 or higher in the 200 BPM Speed Tier


    • 2219 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Ezekiel 4:12-13

    And you shall eat it as a barley cake, baking it in their sight on human dung.


    • Pass anything rated 16 or higher in the 210 BPM Speed Tier


    • 2193 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush green meadows, there lived a person named StoryTime. With a heart full of imagination and a love for storytelling, StoryTime enchanted young and old alike with his captivating tales. However, there was one peculiar aspect about StoryTime that perplexed everyone in the village-- despite his appearance and mannerisms, StoryTime adamantly denied being French.

    Fascinated by this mystery, the villagers would often gather in the town square, eager to hear another enchanting tale from StoryTime's repertoire. As the sun dipped below the horizon, StoryTime would regale the listeners with tales of far-off lands and daring adventures, his voice carrying the magic of distant realms. The villagers would sigh, convinced that such storytelling prowess could only belong to a French person.


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 220 BPM Speed Tier


    • 4665 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 13204 EXP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    In the first disc of "Bike RPG," you assume the role of a courageous cyclist in the fantastical world of Velotopia. The peaceful land of cycling enthusiasts is under threat from an ancient curse that turns innocent bikers into ferocious bike-riding monsters. As the chosen one, it is your destiny to embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the curse and save Velotopia from eternal darkness. Pedal through the vibrant city streets, engage in exhilarating bike races, and clash with fearsome monsters using your bike as both a means of transportation and a weapon. With each victory, you uncover fragments of a larger mystery, leading you closer to the source of the curse.


    • Pass anything rated 18 or higher in the 230 BPM Speed Tier


    • 4187 EXP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 13807 EXP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 15631 EXP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Episode 10 - The Idol Obsession and the Ninja Turtle

    BasedHonk's love for idols reaches its peak when he discovers his favorite idol group is hosting a meet-and-greet event. However, his crippling social anxiety threatens to ruin everything. Determined to meet his idols, BasedHonk seeks advice from an unexpected source—a talking ninja turtle who happens to be a master of social skills. With hilarious training montages and ninja-inspired techniques, BasedHonk prepares to face his fears and attend the event. Will he conquer his anxiety and finally get a picture with his beloved idols?


    • Pass anything rated 19 or higher in the 240 BPM Speed Tier


    • 9236 EXP
    • 1395 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 14966 EXP
    • 12653 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 14030 EXP
    • 12660 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 20802 EXP
    • 23880 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    As you cautiously navigate the dimly lit streets, a sense of foreboding lingers in the air. Shadows seem to dance with an otherworldly energy, and a chilling breeze whispers through the alleyways. Suddenly, a figure emerges from the darkness, their eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity. Once again, you're stalked by dirtypiece, a mysterious harbinger of the macabre, and he has a bone-chilling tale to share.

    With a voice tinged with ominous excitement, dirtypiece begins to reveal the twisted facts about Rhythm Horizon, a game that defies the boundaries of reality. His words crawl under your skin, leaving you on edge.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 250 BPM Speed Tier


    • 14165 EXP
    • 12744 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 14333 EXP
    • 12647 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 21600 EXP
    • 24417 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 21078 EXP
    • 23241 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    There are rumours of a secret passageway that can be used to get to the other side of the mountains west of Ardougne. Now it's just a matter of finding it.


    • Pass anything rated 21 or higher in the 260 BPM Speed Tier


    • 13567 EXP
    • 12668 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 15350 EXP
    • 12101 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 21599 EXP
    • 23084 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 30245 EXP
    • 41787 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    StarrySergal, release the hounds!

    Señor, no tenemos perros. Todos renunciaron para convertirse en paseadores de perros profesionales.

    Well, release the squirrels, then! Let them wreak havoc upon our enemies!


    • Pass anything rated 22 or higher in the 270 BPM Speed Tier


    • 15453 EXP
    • 12430 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 22817 EXP
    • 24347 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 22810 EXP
    • 22976 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 36331 EXP
    • 41981 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 41735 EXP
    • 42412 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Pezede, an unsuspecting individual, finds himself entangled in a web of horror and chaos. While desperately trying to escape the relentless pursuit of the bus police, he begins to notice unsettling changes within himself. His complexion grows paler, his movements become sluggish, and an insatiable hunger gnaws at his insides. As Pezede struggles to stay one step ahead of the authorities, he also battles an inner darkness that threatens to consume him.


    • Pass anything rated 23 or higher in the 280 BPM Speed Tier


    • 19044 EXP
    • 23974 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 21339 EXP
    • 23600 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 31523 EXP
    • 41379 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 35499 EXP
    • 42793 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57877 EXP
    • 99037 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    JNero, the infamous Mancouverian who reigned as mayor from 5 to 7 ABP, was known for his extravagant lifestyle. He held lavish pizza and oreo feasts that would last for days, filled with exotic Goldeneye speedruns, chicken nuggets, and other entertainment. His excesses and indulgences became a symbol of his reign, often leaving the Mancouverian treasury in a dire state.


    • Pass anything rated 24 or higher in the 290 BPM Speed Tier


    • 21535 EXP
    • 22979 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 39652 EXP
    • 44053 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 43083 EXP
    • 41135 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58347 EXP
    • 104384 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57174 EXP
    • 97301 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Hey there, beremy! So, I hear you think you're some kind of pizza expert. Let's see if you can handle a few questions.

    Greetings, Archi. I do consider myself well-versed in the world of pizza. Ask away, and I'll share my insights.


    • Pass anything rated 25 or higher in the 300 BPM Speed Tier


    • 37219 EXP
    • 43613 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 40766 EXP
    • 41810 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57763 EXP
    • 95949 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58101 EXP
    • 101553 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Outrageous Ramen Ride

    [Setting: JWong's vibrant kitchen]

    Hey there, culinary thrill-seekers! Get ready for an outrageous ramen ride with yours truly, JWong. Today, we're taking this classic Asian dish and turning up the heat on the absurdity scale!

    [Camera pans to a table filled with peculiar ingredients]

    Brace yourselves, because we're diving headfirst into culinary chaos! Our ramen adventure starts with neon-green noodles made from spinach and alien goo. Trust me, this dish is out of this world!

    [Cut to JWong stirring the neon-green noodles in a pot]

    Now, it's time to add our mind-boggling toppings. We're talking cotton candy pork belly, pickled marshmallows, and a sprinkle of stardust for that extra magical touch!

    [Camera zooms in on a bowl of ramen filled with colorful and whimsical toppings]

    And there you have it – our Outrageous Ramen Ride is ready to take your taste buds on a wild journey. It's a flavor explosion that'll leave you asking, "What just happened?" Dig in, my fearless food adventurers!


    • Pass anything rated 26 or higher in the 310 BPM Speed Tier


    • 29356 EXP
    • 43886 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57494 EXP
    • 97320 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57651 EXP
    • 97384 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57985 EXP
    • 96214 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire



    • Pass anything rated 27 or higher in the 320 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57272 EXP
    • 105474 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57266 EXP
    • 99169 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57324 EXP
    • 105418 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58576 EXP
    • 98463 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire



    • Pass anything rated 28 or higher in the 330 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57511 EXP
    • 103933 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58407 EXP
    • 96109 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57839 EXP
    • 96146 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57783 EXP
    • 99018 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Vanilla Llate


    • Pass anything rated 30 or higher in the 340 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57222 EXP
    • 101413 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57189 EXP
    • 95492 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57629 EXP
    • 101989 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    In the realm of dance, where joy and rhythm meet,
    I twirl and sway, but my stamina depletes.
    For in these 32 measures, my dear,
    I find my body growing tired, I fear.

    With each graceful move, I feel the strain,
    As weariness seeps in, like a gentle rain.
    The music guides me, but I long for respite,
    As my energy wanes, dancing in twilight.

    But fear not, my friends, for though I tire,
    I'll give one final spin before I retire.
    For in these fleeting moments, I'll embrace the beat,
    Before fatigue claims me, in a moment sweet.


    • Pass anything rated 31 or higher in the 350 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57985 EXP
    • 105586 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58027 EXP
    • 95777 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58096 EXP
    • 99493 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Chapter 1: The Weight of the World

    Objective: Uncover the Secret of Obesity

    1. Begin your adventure in the town of Fitshire, a place plagued by the enigmatic curse of obesity. Speak with the townsfolk to gather information and discover the root cause of this epidemic.

    2. Investigate the local library, where ancient tomes reveal legends of a powerful artifact that can break the chains of obesity. Take note of any clues that may guide you on your quest.


    • Pass anything rated 32 or higher in the 360 BPM Speed Tier


    • 58368 EXP
    • 105690 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57648 EXP
    • 103011 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57798 EXP
    • 102139 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58505 EXP
    • 99564 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Complete this quest to unlock XS Project Collection Full!


    • Pass anything rated 33 or higher in the 370 BPM Speed Tier


    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58167 EXP
    • 95455 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57117 EXP
    • 104772 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57437 EXP
    • 96755 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    thein theof


    • Pass anything rated 34 or higher in the 380 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57758 EXP
    • 100514 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57266 EXP
    • 101622 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58346 EXP
    • 105494 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire



    • Pass anything rated 35 or higher in the 390 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57210 EXP
    • 98685 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 57339 EXP
    • 102543 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Why was Cyx afraid of Sevyn?


    • Pass anything rated 36 or higher in the 400 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57165 EXP
    • 100492 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 58076 EXP
    • 102313 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    Levitas's Injury Log, 22nd of May, 7 ABP. My last injury was... uh, my elbow or something. I can't remember.


    • Pass anything rated 37 or higher in the 420 BPM Speed Tier


    • 57483 EXP
    • 96259 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • ??????


    • 9202 EXP
    • 1402 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title


    The Godfather of Stamina has put a bounty on an extremely slow monster, grumbling something about it getting "too slow in the middle", whatever that means. Any precise staminadventurer is welcome to apply, and will be rewarded with cash and even info on where to find a rare monster.


    • ??????


    • 8212 EXP
    • 1966 Gold
    • 15 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Weird monsters have shown up on some of the paths outside Illumina, and supposedly, they have the ability to control both people and other beasts with their mind. The TPA has issued a bounty, hoping staminadventurers can carefully kill the creatures without damaging the remains so that they can be more fully studied.


    • ??????


    • 4142 EXP
    • 1586 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    On particular nights, when the heavens line up just right, it's said that a certain monster will appear-- and Chief Skittles is looking for someone discreet to carefully "disassemble" said-monster so that he can sell its parts to buyers. Keep it on the uh, down-low, though.


    • ??????


    • 795 EXP
    • 542 Gold
    • 2 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Silver Fox tum CJPetey nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza Jerros Zarzob ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister PkGam DF.freyja NekoMithos arx Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip Inactive Account Xynn DRON Freis xapa NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Cozy anti_fun kodensa patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka PerfectTaste Vagabond Lumi Lumen Fietsemaker titandude21 antipathetique Twix Zui Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal dlim DarkFyzx Fanatik25 sore Alhe DdRDan t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion QTurtle ITGRyan Alternate Enjoyer erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE Amoo Sapphron mrCLICKman xancara Faker13 Doublegambler Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop Bran killuastep Geff needboba JayNeko Smalls ddrulox Kigha valgrind plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau asellus MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! BigYama daddy zexyu in IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii robin_ takumiAE86 Venny121 Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 eltigrechino limitin kenji- MistyGriotte DRILLBOT Snow Latte CEXX Aura brooksy extreme48 Locoyokopoco DanielsanX4A sumikk0 devilzukin vintogigue neyoru 1Aryan kayzero Wenn Idontevenknowyou! Higgy verniy_ Paul_P Akroma yog sothoth gatodeplastico CLK blazincalf Anisakis Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Sal! jjew Kevin Durant BONG No Key Scores XeaLouS piguy314159 bostic300 kcamper92 DJNidra maybe Adol kidcrab OmnipotentEntity Evertree


    An anonymous request has been posted, seeking accurate staminadventurers who can track down some "overly cerebral monster" spawned by The Cosmic Pope in days long past. Apparently, in exchange for successfully carrying this out, the requester is also offering information on where to hunt some other monster, in addition to gold.


    • ??????


    • 4716 EXP
    • 1586 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Some languishing holdover from the long-supplanted Royalist faction in the DPRT-- apparently an individual fairly high up in the military of the regime that was in power before the Republic-- has been stoking unrest, and the TPA is planning on taking action against them, along with the help of any willing staminadventurers. This is a precision operation, though, as there's concerns that someone else is pulling the strings, and they're hoping to find out what orders were given.


    • ??????


    • 2207 EXP
    • 1093 Gold
    • 5 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Complaints have been coming into the TPA about monsters mimicking and engaging in partial possession of household objects. There are rewards up for grabs if you can cleanly cut the monsters out of the objects they're possessing-- including information on where to hunt more of them.


    • ??????


    • 9249 EXP
    • 1985 Gold
    • 15 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Some travelers in the DPRT stumbled upon a group of monsters working out, getting "super jacked". The TPA doesn't like it when monsters get jacked, so they're asking for any staminadventurers with a modicum of accuracy to hunt the brutes down.


    • ??????


    • 12523 EXP
    • 2462 Gold
    • 15 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    The TPA is getting a hunting party together to go on patrol. They're planning on targeting a range of monsters with specific levels of accuracy. If you accompany them, you'll be able to reap the rewards.


    • Pass an 11 with a 99% or higher
    • Pass a 12 with a 98% or higher
    • Pass a 13 with a 97% or higher
    • Pass a 14 with a 96% or higher
    • Pass a 15 with a 95% or higher
    • Pass a 16 with a 94% or higher


    • 4393 EXP
    • 1608 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Some extremely annoying aliens have invaded the DPRT, and they're holding a competition: if someone can precisely catch and defeat their leader, they'll leave in their UFO-- but if no one can, they'll destroy the WHOLE WORLD. Supposedly. Most people are pretty skeptical of any of them actually being strong enough to do that, but it would be really cool if they left, so you should definitely consider taking on this task.


    • ??????


    • 40011 EXP
    • 3465 Gold
    • 30 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    Chief Skittles has received a request for weapons made using parts from "Rocket Propelled Grenade monsters". At least, he thinks that's what they were asking for. He had to have some help with definitions and there may have been something lost in translation there. No matter what the actual intentions behind this request were, though, it's going to take some precision kills to avoid damaging the components that are needed, before he can ship them off to a smithy or engineer or whatever. Maybe you can help him with the "precision kills" part of this whole thing.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 21909 EXP
    • 2975 Gold
    • 26 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????


    There is a reward available from the TPA for staminadventurers who are able to slay twenty-five monsters with a 96 or higher.


    • Pass any twenty-five charts with a 96% or higher


    • 2192 EXP
    • 1096 Gold
    • 5 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title


    LFK recently acquired some strange... bottle? Jar? Something? Anyway, he's claiming there's something inside of it, but he hasn't been able to break it open-- perhaps someone with very strong accuracy would be able to help him with this?


    • ??????


    • 14125 EXP
    • 2479 Gold
    • 15 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Xynn United Long Version Trance Chronicles Gorilla Mix Tapes is feeling rather hungry for some cereal... with jam. Perhaps if you share some with him, he can point you in the direction of where you can find some other delicious breakfast foods.


    • ??????


    • 827 EXP
    • 407 BB
    • 4 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Last fall, some cheper-esque marathon beast attacked the Stamina Nation. The Stamina Corps has intelligence indicating another one of these creatures has been discovered out in the wilds, and there's a plan to lure it out using one of its young-- but it'll need to be captured first. That's where you come in.


    • ??????


    • 820 EXP
    • 396 BB
    • 4 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev arki eigo wakaranai Zeipher_Hawk Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala LOG Nebel flip UMECCY turn up Xynn StefXFN DRON Freis xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste aryla CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Valex Zui lolipo aye NBCrescendo dlim DarkFyzx Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy nv JOKR Amoo VincentITG B3NS3X arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 MoistBruh Mike458 Doublegambler _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG AXB Bran _CONTROL Tristan97 Geff Metgame Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex plasmaaa wolfxalienware Mau MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango daddy zexyu Nato in riler IcyCold nebbii mang robin_ takumiAE86 AzleKayn RAN.S hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 eltigrechino Un pelao con un botso MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse JaceITG CEXX Aura brooksy DerpyPengu Renbrandt Bird sumikk0 wsupden implode Stern neyoru bles48 chungus verniy_ Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P yog sothoth Desklamp Yeyeito Chocol@inMatt Keekee Sal! alpastor Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn VivaLaMoo ICTtoken raimu9281 kcamper92 maybe Adol Dispolca Kriss
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Rems has some information on a new marathon beast he's discovered recently, but he'll only provide its location to those who can prove themselves. There's been reports of some monster in an eerily silent jungle South America Coast Stamina-- one that Rems has taken an interest in. Maybe bringing him its head would loosen his lips on where to find the other one.


    • ??????


    • 4353 EXP
    • 1230 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Some captive Helblinde monsters recently escaped from the Monster Menagerie-- one of the most popular attractions in Zaia's Circus-- and Zaia is looking for someone to retrieve them for him. If you're able to bring them back, he's agreed to allow you to fight one of the marathon beasts in his collection.


    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4738 EXP
    • 1190 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    There are some reports of some creepy marathon beast taking the form of some sort of humanoid DJ, luring in children in with the promises of wild dance parties, only to devour them whole. The Stamina Corps is taking this threat seriously, and is hoping anyone able to bring this monster down can also help them with another one that's been discovered recently.


    • ??????


    • 8619 EXP
    • 1638 BB
    • 10 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    THE ULTRAVIOLET CATASTROPHE is on the hunt for a part of a huge monster that's broken off from its main body. Maybe if you help him track it down, it'll help lead you to an even bigger hunt?


    • ??????


    • 21734 EXP
    • 2385 BB
    • 20 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Some dude named zaniel has a vendetta against a blood-encrusted trance monster that he says was "misrated". He's wrong, of course, but he still really wants someone to bring him the corpse of any creature that fits that description. He's willing to give you some info on where to find an even crazier mark if you do that for him.


    • ??????


    • 12425 EXP
    • 2088 BB
    • 16 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 39109 EXP
    • 2818 BB
    • 26 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Some big furry beast has crossed the border from the Footspeed Empire east into Stamina Nation, and the Stamina Corps is looking for a staminadventurer fast enough to apprehend it. They're willing to impart some information on where to hunt a particularly dangerous marathon beast in exchange.


    • ??????


    • 24955 EXP
    • 2486 BB
    • 20 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    According to a request for help posted in Harris Vale, some guy named William has been trapped in a dungeon in some forgotten pocket of Stamina Nation, guarded by a monster that looks like it may have come from the Footspeed Empire. If you can rescue him, you'll surely be rewarded for your efforts-- and you may discover something darker in the deep recesses of the place.


    • ??????


    • 20957 EXP
    • 2400 BB
    • 20 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    The Stamina Corps has gotten their hands on a cache of powerful time-based relics that could turn the tide of battle for staminadventurers in their upcoming battles. Because they've only acquired a limited number of these relics, though, they're only offering them to those who manage to take down at least one marathon beast.


    • Pass any marathon chart


    • 83 EXP
    • 45 BB
    • 2 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip HannahPadd Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON LuckJury xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique hollow Senture Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Fanatik25 sore reset_itg DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Adaridan Amoo hi_im_los Sapphron arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Geff XEPH3R Metgame JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware MCXR1987 BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo !ElCaMiX! dashark Berserker BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold nebbii Peli mang robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 Zepherino eltigrechino limitin maboesanman Choden MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian JaceITG Peabody! Aura brooksy DerpyPengu max101 Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka sumikk0 Dean buntata neyoru Korzei DoomLord76 Wenn Idontevenknowyou! Yakid20 Cadrin chungus KIO. verniy_ angelXboy HeavyModeYT Borisaur TUT0 Paul_P Akroma mastamaxx yog sothoth gatodeplastico Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan centripital Uiichi alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Mekki Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken Summi Zivie87 bostic300 kcamper92 LOLWUT Samuelio maybe Adol Spacestone29 Vacci Glitchy MaruDeHabanero Snoman kidcrab Dispolca MadeenZeal whmgz IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Kapdin Evertree Cxxxx Lugea noCrack qazd
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    An additional bounty has posted by the Stamina Corps for slaughtering ten marathon beasts total.


    • Pass any ten marathon charts


    • 2264 EXP
    • 805 BB
    • 6 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    Another reward is available from the Stamina Corps for any staminadventurer that manages to kill fifteen marathon beasts.


    • Pass any fifteen marathon charts


    • 4812 EXP
    • 1201 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    If you're able to defeat twenty marathon beasts, the Stamina Corps is willing to pay out yet another prize.


    • Pass any twenty marathon charts


    • 4597 EXP
    • 1223 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    A final Stamina Corps bounty can be claimed by any staminadventurer who manages the feat of killing twenty-five marathon beasts.


    • Pass any twenty-five marathon charts


    • 8744 EXP
    • 1639 BB
    • 10 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • ??????


    • 57544 EXP
    • 3317 BB
    • 30 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    It's said in many traditions that the underworld is protected by a huge beast of legend. Perhaps if you were to explore some of the deep parts of Stamina Nation, you might find something unusual lurking there...


    • ??????


    • 4186 EXP
    • 1196 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title


    The Stamina Corps is rewarding new staminadventurers with a beginner's relic for those who manage to demonstrate mastery over 11-block monsters.


    • ??????
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    • 84 EXP
    • 39 BB
    • ?????? Title
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc Silver Fox tum Kyy CJPetey slowunsteady Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza Jerros Zarzob tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput DF.freyja yaniel mattm NekoMithos TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo SirDelins titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki Yani aye trescal dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 sore DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari artimst t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi QTurtle ITGRyan erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE JOKR Amoo Sapphron Koral arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi xancara ok Faker13 Mike458 SleepBAAA Doublegambler Dsongi Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself needboba Metgame Smalls JJK scientificRex Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware MCXR1987 luna2108 SanHelbert Sonja BigYama Nato riler IcyCold nebbii Peli mang robin_ takumiAE86 Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra TTONY Zepherino Nina Accioskullar eltigrechino Axor W1LL_1_AM limitin maboesanman kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse MaxPainNL malbolgian Snow Latte JaceITG Aura brooksy DerpyPengu Bird DanielsanX4A sumikk0 wsupden vintogigue AleAle48 buntata neyoru Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence SAN REMO HeavyModeYT Borisaur TUT0 Paul_P Akroma mastamaxx yog sothoth gatodeplastico Anisakis MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt cloverwolf Sal! centripital SecretCMA alpastor som1sezhi Yunch jjew Just A Space Cowboy xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken Summi XeaLouS slybat KevinDGAF F10W DJNidra TheMusserO CMAPump maybe Adol yyao MaruDeHabanero kidcrab Dispolca Fursty1896 glitchbear IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Evertree KlineFGC qazd


    The Stamina Corps is looking for ways to help out beginner staminadventurers, and one of the ways they've elected to do that is by giving information on where to hunt a few interesting types of monsters to those who are able to beat monsters of the 12-block or higher.


    • Pass any 12


    • 88 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki Piols eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. dnac10 Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Lumen Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture typobox Valex TopherK Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis arb teri sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums BrotherMojo Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG TrnY Dmtechno hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler beeabay LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tenshi Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever barrysir Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau frank_gaming asellus FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo PenguinRedeemer BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama daddy zexyu babyzionov BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas natano Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY sigonasr2 Zepherino Nina slime Accioskullar Jake B Raijin29a6 eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin Slowest maboesanman ibuprofen Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha L3andr0ITG kenji- Hunter Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi TaikiHarada Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Zealous Snow Latte JaceITG CEXX Koopah Peabody! takatzu48 Aura ManBearPeon brooksy DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka Locoyokopoco domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger sumikk0 LordOmega AngelR4vE Rust ITG solrbear Koso PUYO jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode devilzukin vintogigue AleAle48 Stern Many Rescores TakuMii jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh p0x bles48 inglomi BHappy BigC fastboy beqa Cephiro Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico ZZUnlimited EX Pad Miss NDimensional Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 chungus Higgy RsebaS malkier KIO. verniy_ L!AM angelXboy JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK blazincalf Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss PBase Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan centripital Uiichi dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi EDJI Yunch Nardu Mekki Tailsray yyr angi Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez BONG No Key Scores ICTtoken Shiori857 raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak rootkitty CrashCringle12 Biggs UK.s34n UVCat DogsPlan KevinDGAF Pony Zivie87 Dade Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Ran bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 vehnae xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion F10W DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE zxevik tomnobar TheMusserO Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Frank89 Spacestone29 Vacci Jaridian yyao PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 RisuRisu Snoman robertequisde IrisQuasar kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca calzone kirisame Dispolca ouran Fursty1896 MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. Blondazz OmnipotentEntity Kapdin jnoobie312 Evertree Reks66 ChubbyThePhat Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Cxxxx Lugea CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC Kanji666 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 yumenegi peaceduke Hast... joowon qazd buLy C4L3BT ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh Siege9


    Hoping to encourage new staminadventurers some more, the Stamina Corps is giving info on one more hunt for anyone who manages to beat something that's at least a 13.


    • Pass any 13


    • 798 EXP
    • ?????? Title
    • ??????
    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture Valex Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG Dmtechno hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa LaplaceFox wolfxalienware Mau FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango BigYama daddy zexyu BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Catz takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 sigonasr2 Nina Jake B Raijin29a6 eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege limitin Slowest maboesanman Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- Hunter Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Beta malbolgian Kommisar JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura brooksy DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka DanielsanX4A sumikk0 LordOmega Rust ITG solrbear PUYO wsupden implode vintogigue Stern Many Rescores jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh p0x bles48 inglomi BHappy BigC fastboy Cephiro Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico Idontevenknowyou! Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 SAN REMO Yuiko911 chungus Higgy KIO. verniy_ L!AM HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Sal! Ravelan centripital Uiichi dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi Yunch Mekki Drayux jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez No Key Scores ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles piguy314159 Loak rootkitty CrashCringle12 UK.s34n UVCat DogsPlan KevinDGAF Zivie87 Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE zxevik Samuelio CMAPump maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Spacestone29 Vacci PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 Snoman robertequisde kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca Dispolca ouran MadeenZeal whmgz IUYK. OmnipotentEntity Kapdin Evertree ChubbyThePhat Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Lugea CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack Kanji666 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 Hast... joowon ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh


    If you're able to defeat a monster rated 15 or above, an unfamiliar man has offered to give you a special, unfamiliar sword that he promises will grow in strength alongside you.


    • Pass any 15


    • 2190 EXP
    • 361 Gold
    • ?????? Title
    Archi kelly_kato atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy CJPetey airplane Some Rescores nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Jerros Zarzob Perusal tev ZarinahBBM eigo wakaranai Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja mattm NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG Nebel flip UMECCY turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN DRON wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 Cozy kodensa aminuteawayx Azirixx hk Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste aryla CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm hollow Twix Senture Valex Zui lolipo rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo Doughbun dlim Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis sore reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon obesity102 ITGRyan ddrneel erictran0 MegaSphere Meatyguy nv JOKR Amoo VincentITG LEISHEN. B3NS3X Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 Beremy Doublegambler _Temeraire Franksoua Steve_V Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 _CONTROL Tristan97 Griever Geff Smalls ddrulox JJK scientificRex Kigha Cannonball plasmaaa wolfxalienware MCXR1987 Woonoo !ElCaMiX! dashark daddy zexyu Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud takumiAE86 RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos Badjas Fierra Daz4 Jake B Raijin29a6 eltigrechino iGoCollege Slowest JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso L3andr0ITG kenji- MistyGriotte Coppa Hasse CrackedCaptain JaceITG CEXX Koopah takatzu48 Aura DerpyPengu KyleTT Poncho10017:) Another48 Renbrandt Bird Pattmalka sumikk0 Rust ITG PUYO implode Many Rescores jerryjurr neyoru inglomi Cephiro 1Aryan DoomLord76 ElPapaCosmico Yakid20 SAN REMO Higgy KIO. verniy_ Borisaur Paul_P yog sothoth INVOKER gatodeplastico Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt HINATA-COL Keekee Sal! Ravelan Uiichi alpastor Mekki jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn yutsi VivaLaMoo Kevin Durant xMez ICTtoken raimu9281 baraka nabulator winterfr3sh Loak UK.s34n UVCat Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Talkion LOLWUT maybe Adol remonia PomegranateITG MaruDeHabanero Maru96 Snoman robertequisde Dispolca Evertree Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE noCrack Kanji666 Kriss Hast...


    Staminadventurers who accomplish the task of defeating monsters of a sufficiently high difficulty are given a trophy as a reward by the Stamina Corps. In addition, they're allowed seating at the Bronze Bistro, an exclusive food venue in Harris Vale that caters only to other Bronze Qualified clientele, but this leads to some awkward situations where newly-minted bronzies often show up to the restaurant with a trophy in hand, not realizing that they don't actually need to bring it to get a table.


    • Pass any 17




    Advancing to defeat beasts of even greater notoriety than Bronze Qualified staminadventurers, those who join the ranks of the Mythril Qualified gather at the Mythril Lounge in Burnie's Glen to talk shop and take a breather between hunting sessions.


    • Pass any 20




    Based out of Rems's hometown in French Coast Stamina, Cafe Crystal is a place for the most veteran Crystal Qualified staminadventurers to meet up. In order to get an invite, though, it's necessary to prove your skill against some seriously dangerous opponents.


    • Pass any 23




    Standing tall above the Palace of Speed in the Footspeed Empire, the Ivory Tower is an exclusive club frequented by Memepeace elites. Only the most powerful staminadventurers-- the Ivory Qualified-- are allowed to set foot inside.


    • Pass any 26


    Faction:Footspeed Empire


    A particularly aggressive beast has been terrorizing some of the roadways near the northern borders of the Footspeed Empire, and while the monster is fairly weak by their standards, it's been disruptive enough that Memepeace has decided to dispatch a group of volunteer staminadventurers to handle the situation. Once global FE accolades reach the requisite level, Memepeace employees will lead the way to where the monster was last sighted.


    • Global FE Accolades Above 8000


    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm pumpuli Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever ViperDev Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN mkwiiallpro Aldarole DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture Valex TopherK Zui lolipo rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis teri sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology ArrowsmithBA3 Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Smanki Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG TrnY hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Rufus Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 blanketninja tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler freddy15204 Gyzarus LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Dimples Franksoua holepigeon dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau frank_gaming asellus FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo Ralph Caffery BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama Boingloing daddy zexyu babyzionov Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY Zepherino Nina slime Accioskullar Jake B eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin Slowest maboesanman Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha L3andr0ITG kenji- Hunter Ricky itg_Kage MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi TaikiHarada Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Snow Latte JaceITG MBN CEXX Koopah Peabody! takatzu48 Aura ManBearPeon brooksy topet DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka Locoyokopoco domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger Dr Moobly sumikk0 LordOmega AngelR4vE Rust ITG solrbear PUYO jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode vintogigue AleAle48 Many Rescores TakuMii jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru NinuKinuski WAY2022 bobayubi ahchurro111 Dexor Cinnamon Twanst LIGHTW8 dnsh Darkstar p0x bles48 inglomi BHappy BigC fastboy REI_Z3R0 beqa Cephiro Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico ZZUnlimited EX Pad Miss NDimensional kursain Idontevenknowyou! emiess48 Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 Dave (Canberra) SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 chungus Higgy RsebaS malkier KIO. verniy_ L!AM tappy angelXboy xxzeniusxx JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur HP-Basarab TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK blazincalf Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss PBase JEN86 Frondal Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger expcake Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Eddie_J Sal! SierraTheBlueJay Ravelan centripital Uiichi SecretCMA dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi EDJI DC.MAX-TCOL Yunch Nardu SleepyDragon Jagc Mekki Tailsray Pegram yyr angi Drayux Soul jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez MSZ-006R BONG No Key Scores Sky Command ICTtoken Shiori857 raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS SSRCHILE Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak Traxos EnalaprilEgon rootkitty Miu CrashCringle12 Biggs UK.s34n 9U3RR1LL4 UVCat sage DogsPlan KevinDGAF Pony Dinamycorp chobo Zivie87 Dade Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Ran bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 vehnae Norys xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion F10W Jarem24 DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass Zobros oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE LAZYBONESSS zxevik tomnobar FitnessMegamix TheMusserO crabigail Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Frank89 Spacestone29 Vacci Jaridian yyao Kit PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 RisuRisu Snoman robertequisde IrisQuasar kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca calzone kirisame Dispolca ouran Blake4Life Fursty1896 Sopra MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. WarpRattler Blondazz CpawsMusic OmnipotentEntity Kapdin jnoobie312 Evertree Reks66 ChubbyThePhat CHI_XU xdank Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Cxxxx Lugea PenguinMessiah2K23 defekTiVE CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC caruku Xidi myd0gr0x STsung Kanji666 cobalt1164 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 yumenegi peaceduke Hast... GaboMan AJ joowon qazd Aria gintax Dragonfru buLy C4L3BT ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh Cheezus Siege9 Rai Kero makiki chocoman


    From time to time, man-eating lizards appear in the south of the DPRT, and they've been known to grow to enormous proportions if they're not hunted quickly enough. One such lizard has recently been discovered in the south of the DPRT, and the TPA is gathering a group of staminadventurers with a sufficent amount of accolades between them to combat the beast.


    • Global DPRT Accolades Above 8000


    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm pumpuli Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever ViperDev Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN mkwiiallpro Aldarole DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture Valex TopherK Zui lolipo DGY.yuuki rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis arb teri sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology ArrowsmithBA3 Jester Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums BrotherMojo Robbumon Smanki Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG TrnY hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Rufus Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 blanketninja tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler beeabay freddy15204 Gyzarus LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Dimples Franksoua holepigeon dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX AXB Bran FabSab44 killuastep Thumbsy _CONTROL Tenshi Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever barrysir Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau frank_gaming asellus FideLin MCXR1987 Woonoo Ralph Caffery BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama Boingloing daddy zexyu babyzionov BradyRyan Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs Sidro yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY sigonasr2 Zepherino Nina slime Accioskullar Jake B Raijin29a6 eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin Slowest maboesanman Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha L3andr0ITG STARLONG kenji- Hunter Ricky itg_Kage MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi TaikiHarada Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Snow Latte JaceITG MBN CEXX Koopah Peabody! takatzu48 Aura ManBearPeon brooksy topet DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka Locoyokopoco domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger Dr Moobly sumikk0 LordOmega AngelR4vE Rust ITG solrbear Koso PUYO jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode devilzukin vintogigue AleAle48 Stern Many Rescores TakuMii jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru NinuKinuski WAY2022 bobayubi ahchurro111 Dexor Cinnamon Twanst LIGHTW8 dnsh Darkstar p0x bles48 inglomi BHappy BigC fastboy REI_Z3R0 beqa Cephiro Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico ZZUnlimited EX Pad Miss NDimensional kursain Idontevenknowyou! emiess48 Elixir of Silence ddrisawesome Yakid20 Dave (Canberra) SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 chungus Higgy RsebaS malkier KIO. verniy_ L!AM tappy angelXboy xxzeniusxx JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur HP-Basarab TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK blazincalf Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss PBase JEN86 Frondal Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger expcake Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Eddie_J Sal! SierraTheBlueJay Ravelan centripital Uiichi SecretCMA dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi EDJI DC.MAX-TCOL Yunch Nardu SleepyDragon Jagc Mekki Tailsray Pegram yyr angi Drayux Soul jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez MSZ-006R BONG No Key Scores Sky Command ICTtoken Shiori857 raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS SSRCHILE Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak Traxos EnalaprilEgon rootkitty Miu CrashCringle12 Biggs UK.s34n 9U3RR1LL4 UVCat sage DogsPlan KevinDGAF Pony Dinamycorp chobo Zivie87 Dade Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Ran bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 vehnae Norys xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion F10W Jarem24 DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass Zobros oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE LAZYBONESSS zxevik tomnobar FitnessMegamix TheMusserO crabigail Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Frank89 Spacestone29 Vacci Jaridian yyao Kit PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 RisuRisu Snoman robertequisde IrisQuasar kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca calzone kirisame Dispolca ouran Blake4Life Fursty1896 Sopra MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. WarpRattler Blondazz CpawsMusic OmnipotentEntity Kapdin jnoobie312 Evertree Reks66 ChubbyThePhat CHI_XU xdank Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Cxxxx Lugea PenguinMessiah2K23 defekTiVE CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC caruku Xidi myd0gr0x STsung Kanji666 cobalt1164 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 yumenegi peaceduke Hast... GaboMan AJ joowon qazd Aria gintax Dragonfru buLy C4L3BT ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh Cheezus Siege9 Rai Kero makiki chocoman
    Faction:Stamina Nation


    For a time, the Three Nations had thought they were safe from Chipz... but now, they're back, and they've fused together into some enormous chimeric affront to the gods. The Stamina Corps is wasting no time getting the word out that they're in need of able-bodied staminadventurers to take on the task of slaying the hideous creature, and they plan to launch an assault once global SN accolade levels reach a certain point.


    • Global SN Accolades Above 8000


    Archi kelly_kato Lisek Viper atomcat Janus5k No Rescores skateinmars Synthromancy Snaki Atti zkldi Tuuc DTF.cmmf Silver Fox tum Sereni Kyy Hubert CJPetey airplane slowunsteady Some Rescores StarrySergal Zap nihongo wakaranai sirex DanPeriod Urza LFK Highflyer djlunatix Jerros Zarzob GWen Perusal tev ZarinahBBM arki eigo wakaranai Rems Formless Zeipher_Hawk Dingoshi Ambisinister dom no bar PkGam help Rawinput ZoG- DF.freyja yaniel mattm pumpuli Madkurre NekoMithos ensypuri TheManwich arx COLLETnm7 Chabala dimo LOG cuteshark1 Nebel flip HannahPadd Max Forever ViperDev Rarily Inactive Account UMECCY Kerpa turn up Xynn hugh_jass StefXFN mkwiiallpro DRON LuckJury Freis wrsw feedbacker xapa jeshusha1 NinjaNabi Adamskull Chance R. Zylos Camdenr MINGW64 silentblackcat Cozy anti_fun kodensa aminuteawayx patj Azirixx JONBUDDY RootReducer hk Ayaka Narwhal Prime PerfectTaste Vagabond X!! Snil4 aryla Halogen- CompleteYoshi Paige Lumi Lotarr stormpegy richtr8 gomusou callmisoko Fietsemaker Tidek Roujo Hey Bud SirDelins Telperion Pocho titandude21 antipathetique Maxx-Storm flashitude hollow Twix Senture Valex TopherK Zui lolipo rynker Yani aye NBCrescendo trescal Doughbun dlim DarkFyzx Behy Fanatik25 Electromuis teri sore Alhe reset_itg dancingmaractus DdRDan SoupP Nao Hikari Cirnology ArrowsmithBA3 Cheeze AdmiraL_ITG artimst itgaz byron t3a nvanleerdrums Robbumon Smanki Suolainen xiaowuc1 teejusb CERiNG Rudeshadow Exschwasion Hamaon Puddi obesity102 QTurtle ITGRyan ddrneel Alternate Enjoyer Kuboxxxxx erictran0 Maybell Eigenhart MegaSphere Meatyguy GospelEXE nv JOKR Adaridan Amoo VincentITG TrnY hi_im_los LEISHEN. B3NS3X Sapphron Koral Illuminoir arol mrCLICKman Squeener Boi lucdar xancara ok Faker13 blanketninja tommoda MoistBruh Mike458 PinkDad SleepBAAA Beremy Doublegambler freddy15204 Gyzarus LunaMail Dsongi _Temeraire Franksoua holepigeon dominick.dechristofaro Steve_V watermoon DDDAAA Caji123 Lovesick Loop HURG LEO2DX Bran FabSab44 Thumbsy _CONTROL Tristan97 Hewhoamareismyself Griever Geff XEPH3R needboba Metgame SailorMoonElite JayNeko Smalls ddrulox JJK ForkySpoon scientificRex Kigha valgrind Cannonball plasmaaa Popplio LaplaceFox Noah Knigga wolfxalienware Mau frank_gaming asellus MCXR1987 Woonoo Ralph Caffery BajaBlastingBKs luna2108 SanHelbert XjojoX songokhoo R3N3 Sonja !ElCaMiX! dashark Mango Berserker DaKree StarBfly BigYama Boingloing daddy zexyu babyzionov Nato Tetaes in riler IcyCold Wash the turtle nebbii Peli mang jck!! robin_ FrisoCloud Meta-link Catz takumiAE86 Yisuszzz AzleKayn RAN.S Venny121 hegza Shi0-X Rabar0209 SebaZzZz_TCOL Jkurs yoonjelly diablos lafv54 Badjas Fierra Daz4 trueblue410 TTONY Zepherino Nina Accioskullar Jake B eltigrechino Axor iGoCollege W1LL_1_AM limitin Slowest maboesanman Choden JonnyStepps Un pelao con un botso Pushmataha L3andr0ITG kenji- Hunter Ricky MistyGriotte Coppa DRILLBOT Hasse CrackedCaptain Vexi TaikiHarada Beta MaxPainNL malbolgian Kommisar Snow Latte JaceITG MBN CEXX Peabody! takatzu48 Aura ManBearPeon brooksy topet DerpyPengu KyleTT extreme48 Poncho10017:) max101 Another48 Renbrandt Bird nifterific Pattmalka Locoyokopoco domi DanielsanX4A JrRoger Dr Moobly sumikk0 LordOmega AngelR4vE Rust ITG solrbear PUYO jqtran XBOX LIVE wsupden implode vintogigue AleAle48 Many Rescores TakuMii jerryjurr Dean buntata neyoru WAY2022 bobayubi ahchurro111 LIGHTW8 dnsh Darkstar bles48 inglomi BigC fastboy REI_Z3R0 Korzei 1Aryan DoomLord76 ManeMan08 kayzero Wenn ElPapaCosmico ZZUnlimited EX Pad Miss kursain Idontevenknowyou! emiess48 Elixir of Silence Yakid20 Dave (Canberra) SAN REMO Cadrin Yuiko911 chungus Higgy RsebaS malkier KIO. verniy_ L!AM angelXboy xxzeniusxx JordanGirardot HeavyModeYT Stefe Toraie Borisaur HP-Basarab TUT0 NoixXx Paul_P Akroma Galvanized Square Steel mastamaxx yog sothoth Quesadilla INVOKER ladymolii LAPIS gatodeplastico HappyLaborDay CLK blazincalf Desklamp dekw TommyDoesntMiss PBase JEN86 Frondal Anisakis oknap Yeyeito Jhennyinthecup Gutiger expcake Chi_Ponyo MONO_COL Chocol@inMatt KokoseiJ HINATA-COL Keekee cloverwolf Eddie_J Sal! SierraTheBlueJay Ravelan centripital Uiichi SecretCMA dirtypiece alpastor som1sezhi EDJI DC.MAX-TCOL Yunch Nardu SleepyDragon Jagc Mekki Tailsray Pegram yyr angi Drayux Soul jjew Just A Space Cowboy pingsn SSmantis yutsi VivaLaMoo PolloxX Kevin Durant xMez MSZ-006R BONG No Key Scores Sky Command ICTtoken Shiori857 raimu9281 Foxxo baraka Summi nabulator XeaLouS SSRCHILE Ugge winterfr3sh @@ Wafles EricPR46 eco friendly wood veneers slybat piguy314159 Loak Traxos EnalaprilEgon rootkitty Miu CrashCringle12 Biggs UK.s34n 9U3RR1LL4 UVCat sage DogsPlan KevinDGAF Pony Dinamycorp chobo Zivie87 Dade Giannis Antetokounmpo Fieoner Ran bostic300 Talkion kcamper92 vehnae Norys xWiiLLz MohaHtn Fanion F10W Jarem24 DJNidra MY BRAND a delicious bass Zobros oza180 LOLWUT 5.TWELVE LAZYBONESSS zxevik tomnobar FitnessMegamix TheMusserO crabigail Samuelio CMAPump Myleszey maybe MionIsTaken Adol P*SERUM remonia Frank89 Spacestone29 Vacci Jaridian yyao Kit PomegranateITG Glitchy SENPAII MaruDeHabanero Maru96 RisuRisu Snoman robertequisde IrisQuasar kidcrab ARYZZ nerdnim Orca calzone kirisame Dispolca ouran Blake4Life Fursty1896 Sopra MadeenZeal whmgz glitchbear IUYK. WarpRattler Blondazz CpawsMusic OmnipotentEntity Kapdin jnoobie312 Evertree Reks66 ChubbyThePhat CHI_XU xdank Yam Intermezzo NERO COME PALOMITAS PE Cxxxx Lugea PenguinMessiah2K23 defekTiVE CocoaFox captaintobs Maxximus noCrack KlineFGC caruku Xidi myd0gr0x STsung Kanji666 cobalt1164 Kriss RukaP Andersondju1 yumenegi peaceduke Hast... GaboMan AJ joowon qazd Aria gintax Dragonfru buLy C4L3BT ADAMV3 WhoDaFuhhh Cheezus Siege9 Rai Kero makiki chocoman
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4379 EXP
    • 1249 JP
    • 1 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 13057 EXP
    • 12583 JP
    • 3 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 38151 EXP
    • 42117 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Footspeed Empire




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 57724 EXP
    • 96294 JP
    • 4 FE Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 2207 EXP
    • 1091 Gold
    • 5 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4589 EXP
    • 1610 Gold
    • 10 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 13187 EXP
    • 2560 Gold
    • 15 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 58594 EXP
    • 3864 Gold
    • 35 DPRT Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 1'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 4497 EXP
    • 1236 BB
    • 8 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 2'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 13926 EXP
    • 1996 BB
    • 16 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 3'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 19259 EXP
    • 2401 BB
    • 20 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title
    Faction:Stamina Nation




    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 4'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 58270 EXP
    • 3411 BB
    • 30 SN Accolades
    • ?????? Title


    In recognition of exemplary service to the three great nations, the Godfather of Stamina will bequeath an heirloom treasure of the Stamina Nation unto those who have proven themselves worthy.


    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Footspeed Empire Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: DPRT Rank Up 5'
    • Complete quest 'Promotion: Stamina Nation Rank Up 5'
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????
    • ??????


    • 57593 EXP
    • ?????? Title
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